RXSS --------- 1: No filters 2: filtering alert 3: Filtering alert, confirm and script CSRF --------- 1: No token where it should be 2: Adds a token but never checks it 3: Only checks if the token is present but not correct 4: Only checks the length of the token CSTI: --------- 1: {{'a'.constructor.prototype.charAt=[].join;$eval('x=1} } };alert(1)//');}} 2: {{x = {'y':''.constructor.prototype}; x['y'].charAt=[].join;$eval('x=alert(1)');}} 3: {{'a'.constructor.prototype.charAt=[].join;$eval('x=1} } };alert(1)//');}} LOGIC: --------- 1: The milage is calulated client-side, it should never be 2: You can enter a discount of more than 100% 3: The amount of votes is controlled client-side IDOR: --------- 1: You need to add the parameter "?user_id=2" to the URL 2: You need to add the parameter "?post_id=2" to the URL